AI Animation Generator FREE : Animate Image to Funny Video

AI Animation Generator FREE : Animate Image to Funny Video
AI Animation Generator FREE

Children’s drawings are known for their wonderful inventiveness, energy, and variety. With this in mind, a group of researchers at Meta AI Research have developed an algorithm to bring these drawings to life through automatic animation.

The “Animated Drawings” Demo utilizes Detectron2 and AlphaPose, with motion capture data from the CMU Graphics Motion Capture Lab and Mixamo. The end result is a tool that allows parents and guardians to convert two-dimensional children’s drawings into fun animations.

Using the Demo is simple. All you need to do is upload an image of your child’s drawing. While you have the option to contribute the image to a public dataset, it’s not mandatory. Additionally, the Demo doesn’t require a Facebook account, and Meta AI Research doesn’t collect any information that identifies you or your child. Technical information about your browser or device is collected only for analytics purposes and to provide the tool.

When you upload a drawing, it will be retained for a short period of time before it’s permanently deleted if you don’t agree to contribute it to a public dataset.

Once an animation is created from the drawing, you’ll have the option to download or share it to Facebook and certain other social media platforms. If you choose to share the animation on social media, then the privacy policy of the applicable platform(s) will apply.

If you provide feedback about the Demo, Meta AI Research will have access to the email address from which you provide the feedback, as well as any other personal information you provide.

If you choose to contribute your child’s drawing to the public dataset, it will not be stored with any personal information. Meta AI Research won’t associate contributed drawings with any personally identifiable information. This means you won’t be able to request deletion of the image after you’ve consented to contributing it.

If you do consent to contributing your child’s drawing for further research, the drawing and interactions may be used, released, or published for specific purposes. These include training a model to better identify, segment, and place joints on hand-drawn characters, ensuring quality annotations by human viewers, academic research, a publicly available database for researchers, and future initiatives to encourage additional image collection.

Overall, the “Animated Drawings” Demo is a fun tool for parents and children alike to bring their drawings to life through animation. With its simple interface and the option to contribute to further research, it’s definitely worth checking out.

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  1. Pingback: AI Animation Generator FREE : Animate Image to Funny Video - AI Tools Arena

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